7th March - 14th April
Practicum Day 6th April

Do you want to become a certified sound practitioner?
Do you feel called to learn the sacred art of sound healing?
Do you want to raise your consciousness using the power of sound?
In this in-depth and hands-on course you will learn the fundamentals, both theoretical and practical, of the usage of Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls® and the sacred art of sound to build a solid foundation so that you can begin sharing and working as a sound healer.
Introductory LIVE call with 30 minute sound journey with Mayra
13 on-demand video modules for the duration of the course period
A full one day LIVE online practicum training and coaching with Mayra (Option of in person or online)
A PDF Training manual
A PDF sharing sound recommendations and techniques for creating a high quality virtual sound healing journey
Access to our online community for further interaction and support with Yantara Jiro and qualified teachers
Online multiple choice exam
Certification from the Complementary Medical Association
By the end of this course, you will be able to use the knowledge and skill acquired for personal development such as meditation, provide basic sound healing sessions to individuals or to a group of people, or combine it with existing holistic and therapeutic practices such as Yoga, Reflexology, Acupuncture, Reiki, Coaching, Aromatherapy, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Art Therapy and many more.
Experience and explore the broad scope of what the Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls® can offer and how you can use them daily to empower the lives of others and your own.
For Level 1 intake we are offering a 4 hours bespoke group coaching session in addition to our Level 1 training.
Set in a causal and interactive energetic space, Mayra will personally support you further in fine-tuning your playing techniques and to answer any course questions. As a group, there will be exercises to strengthen your intuitive playing, co-creation skills and confidence. This is limited to 6 students per group for an intimate and closely guided coaching.

Course Theoretical Outline
What are the Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls®
History of singing bowls - tools used for thousands of years in spiritual practices
Esoteric, Mystical and Spiritual aspect of Sound
How to draw in positive Qi/Universal energy for your home or in a studio or office
How to use Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls® for self-healing or to heal other people
How to take care of your Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls®
How to bless and cleanse your bowl
How Chakras, Colors and Sound are related
Understand basic musical harmonies and experience the relationship of cells and emotions
Find out how enjoying using Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls® and Sound Healing will bring you abundance, purpose and satisfaction in life
Course Practical Outline
How to play an Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl®: From Basic to Advanced Techniques (Strength – Speed - Sound Level).
Individual practice exercises.
The Art & Power of Intentions accessing the Quantum World.
Train on how to give and receive Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls® healing sessions.
Listening to V.S. Singing.
Intuitive Communication – The Art of Listening.
Sound Healing with Water – frequency water healing: a powerful tool.
Art of Relaxing and Letting Go – a path to wellbeing.
Understanding why your vibrations and emotions do matter.
Playing and Exercising with harmonic sets (Subject to students’ bowls set).
Yantara Jiro has two decades of experiences in Sound Healing and Quantum Healing, had given over thousands of consultation sessions internationally. He is well-verse in many fields such as Multimedia Integrative Arts, Quantum Healing and Integrative Healthcare, certified and graduate in Live Blood Analysis and Quantum Hematology, Nutritional Microscopy By Quest4Health Academy, Nu Life Sciences (2017).
He is the co-founder of Sound Universe International, Singapore that distributes world-class sound healing instruments such as the Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls® from Crystal Tones® in over 4 Countries.

What is your refund policy?We do not offer refunds for cancellations after midnight three weeks prior to the course start date, during or after the course. Please read our full terms and conditions here.
Is this course accredited?This course is Accredited by CMA - London Complementary Medical Association, it is a recognised insurable qualification. A minimum 80% and above passing marks is required for Level 1 exam (Multiple-Choice Questions), and a mandatory Online Attendance for Practicum for advancement to Quantum Alchemy Crystal Bowls Practitioner Course Level 2 and Advanced Level by Yantara Jiro.
Are there prerequisites required to enrol? Do I need prior experience in music or as a healer to join this training?No previous musical experience, sound training, or healing training necessary. Participants are required to attend the training with at least one Crystal Tones® Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl® and a Crystal Tones® suede mallet. A USB-Microphone to connect via a computer, laptop or phone (via adapter), more details will be provided upon registration. We deliver our courses in English, so you need to be able to understand, speak, read English to a good standard.
Who is this course for?This course has been designed to teach you the fundamentals of sound medicine. It is the first step in creating a space of deep healing for yourself and developing the skills and confidence to facilitate the same for another. This course is for anyone who is ready to embark on a deep inner journey of abundance and infinite possibilities. It is open for anybody from any background, singers, nurses, holistic therapists, healers, carers, medical doctors, artists, and anyone wanting to work professionally with sound.
How does the course work?Upon confirmation of registration, the course will commence and complete on dates as stated per each intake. You will receive an email confirmation where you will receive full details on how to prepare as well as a sign up link to our course portal, where recordings and manuals will be posted. Over the course of one month you will have access to hours of exclusive video content from your mobile device or desktop so that you can journey with it at your own pace. This will be followed by a full one day Online Practicum Training and Coaching by the instructor on a designated date. Your participation in the Online Practicum Day is mandatory in order to maintain the depth and integrity of the container and receive your certificate.
WHICH CHAKRAS DO THE ALCHEMY CRYSTAL SINGING BOWLS RELATE TO?The notes, C, D, E, F, G, A, B, High C correspond with one's energy centres or chakras. The sharp notes C#, D#, F#, G#, A# correspond with one's endocrine points. C - Root Chakra (4th octave) D - Sacral Chakra E - Solar Plexus Chakra F - Heart Chakra G - Throat Chakra A - Third Eye Chakra B - Crown Chakra C - High Crown Chakra (5th octave) (4th Octave) C# - Sexual Endocrine points D# - Adrenals Endocrine points F# - Thymus Endocrine point G# - Zeal Point/Thyroid Endocrine point A# - Pineal/Pituitary Gland Endocrine point
WHAT FREQUENCY IS MY SINGING BOWL?Each bowl comes with its corresponding label inside and at the bottom and side of the bowl, stating the size, note and frequency. There are different mobile applications available too which will measure the frequency and pitch of your bowl using your mobile phone’s microphone. We are also here to help if you need support finding out the frequency of your bowl.
WHAT SIZES DO THEY COME IN?The Alchemy bowls we stock come in a range of sizes from 6”-16”
WHAT TYPES OF MALLETS ARE THERE?There are different kinds of mallets, some of which are: suede mallet, half dipped suede half rubber mallet, Silicon and glass mallet, Zen mallet, Rubber mallet and Silicon and glass mallet (not sold by Sound Universe).
HOW DO I CLEAN MY CRYSTAL SINGING BOWL?To clean your bowl, use a soft 100% cotton cloth and distilled water, gently wipe the bowl inside and out. If necessary, use a soft brush and distilled water with about 10% mild soap solution or a gentle solution of saltwater (no more than about 2%) rinse with clear water and dry with a gentle blow drier or, even better, let it air dry. You can also energetically clean with intent, use incense, essential oils (we recommend lemon essential oil), or even sunlight or moonlight to help clear your bowls of excess energy. Don’t use anything with harsh chemicals or abrasives. All Alchemy bowls have gone through an alchemical crystalline matrix transformation using the necessary elements infused atomically as one with silica quartz. There are currently no known damaging effects to cleaning your Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls® with clean running water.
PRECAUTIONS WHEN USING ALCHEMY CRYSTAL SINGING BOWLS®No medical claims are made about the use of crystal bowls to replace the need for medical advice. If you experience any health problems you should always consult your regular GP. Do not place a person’s head inside a crystal bowl while playing it. Do not strike or play bowl too loudly, especially near a person’s head. Do not place your mallet or any other object inside your bowl. Place bowls at least 12 inches/30 cm apart, or the vibration may shatter a bowl. Bowls may also shatter if several are playing in a small room. Some have noted discomfort or pain if they have metal pins or stainless-steel ball joints. Ask before sounding the bowl.
HOW DO I PACK MY SINGING BOWL/S?We recommend getting a Crystal Tones™ hard or soft case, they come in a variety of sizes to best fit your bowl/s. The case size should be the same as your biggest bowl. To pack the bowls in the case, put each bowl in a plastic bag, place the O-ring inside and tuck the ends of the plastic bag into the centre of the bowl. These cases can be purchased at the time you buy your bowls to safely protect and carry your bowls from place to place. We recommend packing a maximum of 4 bowls in each case, making sure the last bowl doesn’t stick out beyond the edge of the case. You will need to add padding outside of any bowls stacked inside the case should there be too much of a gap between them. We will be happy to guide you through with further details and recommendations.
WHAT DO THE SINGING BOWLS COME WITH?All purchased bowls come with its corresponding O-ring and a suede mallet at no extra cost.
WHAT ARE THE ALCHEMY CRYSTAL SINGING BOWLS® MADE OUT OF?Our Crystal Tones™ bowls have been hand selected and are made from a base of highest-grade Quartz Crystal that is guaranteed to be 99.992% pure. They are made with a patented 4,000ºF fusion process and infused with precious gemstones, sacred earths, metals and minerals.
DO YOU DELIVER THE ALCHEMY CRYSTAL SINGING BOWLS®?Yes we are able to ship the bowls worldwide. The cost of shipping will be calculated based upon the weight and destination of your order. To ensure that the bowl you are interested in is the right one for you we offer a free 1-1 advisory bowl viewings in our studio in Haggerston, East London or online via video call (Skype, FaceTime, Zoom or Whatsapp). Selecting a bowl is a very personal experience, each bowl is unique - the way it sounds, the qualities of each element, and the way it is played. We want to make sure your bowl is right for you, so before you commit to placing an order we would advise booking in a free viewing. We are unable to offer a returns policy if you change your mind after the bowl has been shipped.
WHAT ARE THE ALCHEMY CRYSTAL SINGING BOWL® BENEFITS?Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls® are powerful vibrational instruments and are extremely resonant. The different tones, vibrations and benefits of each of the bowls’ elements help balance and activate the chakras. Pure sine waves produced by the Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls® interact with the subtle energy fields of our body which then relay through the chakras of the vital energy body to our organs and cells. They help harmonise subtle energies and activate the natural healing processes of the mind, body, and spirit by clearing the flow of energy throughout the vital energy body. The benefits of each bowl are determined by the combination of the note and element/s (metals, minerals and gemstones). The note works with a specific chakra or endocrine point and will have its own unique properties based on the element/s infused into the bowl. Each bowl is unique, no two bowls are identical. To find out what benefits some of our bowls contain head over to our Singing Bowls Shop page.
HOW TO BECOME A SOUND HEALER? / HOW TO LEARN SOUND HEALING?We offer a variety of Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl® Foundation, Advanced and Professional courses in progression throughout the year with our sound master, Yantara Jiro. These courses are designed to empower you with the fundamental knowledge and application of Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls® along with practical hands-on training on sound healing using the crystal bowls. The wonderful thing about sound is that it goes with all healing modalities, there is no conflict of interest as sound will enhance and give much more depth, adding several dimensions to your healing work. Whether you are musically inclined or not, music is the one thing that connects humans from all cultures and corners of the earth. Practice makes the master, we encourage everybody from any background to try, connect and experiment with the Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls®. Please visit our course pages here to find further information about our future trainings
WHAT IS SOUND FREQUENCY AND WHICH HEALING TONES AND FREQUENCIES DO THE ALCHEMY CRYSTAL SINGING BOWLS® WORK ON?Frequency is the speed of vibration, and this determines the pitch of the sound, it is measured in Hertz as the number of wave cycles that occur in one second. The frequency of a bowls is only revealed once it is made, each bowl chooses its own note and frequency. The available notes are as follows: Main chakra notes (B4 for Crown, A4 for Third Eye, G4 for Throat, F4 for Heart, E4 for Solar Plexus, D4 for Sacral, C4 for Root). Corresponding high notes for the seven chakras above the body (C5, D5, E5, F5, G5, A5, B5), Corresponding deep notes for the main seven chakras below the body (B3, A3, G3, F3, E3, D3, C3), Endocrine points (A#4 for Pineal Gland, G#4 for Thyroid Gland, F#4 for Thymus Gland, D#4 for Adrenals Glands/Pancreas, C#4 for Gonads (Testes/Ovaries)
HOW CAN I LEARN TO PLAY A SINGING BOWL?You don’t have to be a musician or have a musical background in order to learn how to play your bowl/s. We offer a variety of Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl® Foundation, Advanced courses, and Professional courses in progression where Yantara Jiro, our teacher will teach you and guide you to play the bowls with awareness, knowledge and in-depth understanding of how they work. As with anything in life we deeply encourage you to practice playing and tuning in with your bowls as much as you can.
CAN I COMBINE MY ALCHEMY CRYSTAL SINGING BOWLS® WITH MY TIBETAN SINGING BOWLS AND/OR OTHER SOUND HEALING INSTRUMENTS?Yes, different practitioners will combine their bowls with tuning forks, chimes, Tibetan bowls, and other instruments to create and play with different effects, notes, tune and pitch to personalise and enhance their sound healing sessions and sound baths.
INTENTION AND SINGING BOWLS.Intention is a clear formed thought, a prayer of sorts, and is the real healer. As thought forms are energy, the intention with which one approaches healing work is of utmost importance. Crystal bowls containing the qualities of amplification, storage, transfer and transformation are powerful tools of affecting change in one’s life. It is important to approach the use of the bowl with a reverence for the potential contained in combining intention with the properties of the crystal. We cover a vast array of topics including using intention and playing your bowl for yourself and for others in our Alchemy Crystal Bowl Level 1 training.
CAN I COMBINE TWO TYPES OF MALLETS WHEN PLAYING THE ALCHEMY CRYSTAL SINGING BOWLS® DURING A SOUND HEALING OR SOUND THERAPY SESSION? WHICH MALLETS ARE BEST TO USE?You can use a combination of two different mallets at the same time - rubber, suede, silicon etc. The effect of each mallet is different, creating different sounds depending on the texture of the mallet and bowl, personal preference will determine the choice. Our sound practitioners mainly use suede mallets. Some bowls, especially the smaller 6"inch bowls, can take a bit longer to sing and require more time and patience. If you find your bowl hard to play we recommend trying a half dipped or silicon mallet.
IS IT SAFE TO LEAVE MY SINGING BOWLS IN SUNLIGHT OR OUTSIDE?It is fine to leave your bowl in direct sunlight, it won't fade in colour as with some other crystals/ precious stones. You can also charge your bowl in the sun or moonlight. If you take your bowl outside we recommend keeping a close eye on it in case of anyone / anything damaging it.
HOW TO CHOOSE AN ALCHEMY SINGING BOWL?There are different ways in which one could choose an alchemy singing bowl, and different factors that might affect your choice of bowl, such as whether it is for personal use or for sound baths or sound therapy. Some people may be drawn by a particular element, colour or note, or the way the bowls sounds or speaks to them. Others may want to work with a particular chakra, endocrine point or a set of them, some may make more practical choices and choose a bowl that is of a certain size and/or cost. We recommend anybody to come to our studio and listen to your choice of bowls and see how it interacts with you energetically, emotionally and physically, let your intuition and your body guide you. Certainly picking your alchemy crystal singing bowl is a delightful exciting experience, and often healing for many!
CAN YOU HELP ME FIND THE PERFECT MATCH TO MY CURRENT SINGING BOWLS OR CREATE A SINGING BOWL CHAKRA SET?Yes, you can have a free 1-1 session with Mayra. She will guide you and support you using your intuition to select your alchemy that best supports and balances your energy, whether that may be one bowl or a whole chakra set.
WHAT IS A SOUND BATH? WHAT HAPPENS DURING A SOUND BATH EXPERIENCE?A sound bath is a deeply immersive, full body listening experience that uses sound and vibration to invite a gentle journey of deep relaxation, healing and self-discovery to nurture your mind, body and soul. In a sound bath you would normally be led into a low-lit/ candlelit room filled with yoga mats, blankets, bolsters and/or pillows. Mats are positioned apart, so no one will invade your space. Before inviting you to lay down you will be guided through a short breathing exercise in preparation of the sound bath journey. The sound practitioner will briefly explain how the sound bath will work and guide you through the whole journey, asking you first to get comfortable on your mat and closing your eyes. The sounds produced by the bowls will send your mind and body into a deep state of relaxation. Some people fall asleep during sound baths which is perfectly normal. You will be gently woken up at the end of the session following a short period of silence to integrate the session. A session usually lasts from 45-60 min.
WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF A CRYSTAL SINGING BOWL SOUND BATH?Some of the benefits may include: Improved mood and emotional intelligence. On the physical level, helps to relieve pain from migraines, arthritis, sciatica, chronic fatigue, menopausal symptoms and insomnia. Impacts the human nervous system, decreasing blood pressure and improving sleep Improved immune system and energy levels. Clears energetic blockages. Brings about a calmer and more peaceful state of being by reducing stress and anxiety. Makes you more relaxed, balanced and focused.
CAN EVERYONE PARTICIPATE IN A CRYSTAL SINGING BOWL SOUND BATH?Sound Baths are suitable for many people. Please seek advice from a medical professional if you are pregnant (mainly the first trimester), wear a pacemaker or implants, are prone to seizures or epilepsy. We recommend women in their first 12 weeks of pregnancy to not be lying down too close to the bowls, the practitioner should also make sure that they are lying down comfortably and a gentle soundscape playing is encouraged. For people with epilepsy it is encouraged to play gently and to avoid using binaurals during the session. No bowls should be placed on top of pregnant women, people with pacemakers or those that are sensitive or have metal implants. Never have people's heads facing the direction of the bowls, and a minimum distance of about 30cm has to be maintained. No medical claims should be made about the use of crystal singing bowls, and should not be claimed to replace the need for medical advice.
WHAT ARE BINAURAL BEATS? WHAT ARE THEY USED FOR?A binaural beat is an auditory illusion perceived when two different pure-tone sine waves with less than a 30Hz difference between them are played to a listener. Binaural beats help balance the right and left hemispheres of the brain, depending on the frequencies, they can help with sleep, calming the mind, or even focus. It has been shown to have a similar effect to meditation.
WHAT IS SOUND HEALING?Sound Healing is the use of sounds and vibrations or frequencies which can be made by a combination of various instruments, such as crystal singing bowls, gongs, Tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks etc. or voice. Sound Healing helps to relax the mind, bring the body back into balance and stimulate the brain into a calmer state. Sound has been an integral part of various cultures throughout human history as a tool for healing. Whether through the use of mantras, throat singing as with the Mongolians and other cultures across the world, or through the use of Icaros (medicine songs) of various Indigenous people from South America. The entire Universe is in a state of constant vibration; therefore, these various techniques help us move from a place of imbalance to a place of balance, into a healthy vibratory frequency.
DO HEALING FREQUENCIES WORK?Scientific studies have shown that sound frequencies can produce changes in the autonomic, immune, endocrine and neuropeptide systems. Sound has the potential and capability to affect the nervous system, it also helps still the mind and allow the body to deeply relax. In this state, one can begin to process and release blocks, and come to a deep physical relaxation.
HOW DOES SOUND HEALING WORK?Sound Healing is the use of vibrational sounds or frequencies. Sound is Quantum in its Nature and is capable of interacting with the subtle energy field of our body. Research has shown that liquids move in specific patterns in the presence of sound frequencies. Our cells are filled with fluid as the human body is made up of more than 70% water, so sound frequency stimulation affects us at a deep cellular level. The sound vibrations or frequencies relax both our nervous system and brain waves, and these enable our body to go into a self-healing mode. In this state, the emotional and energetic blockages may also be released.
BENEFITS OF SOUND HEALINGSound Healing dates as far back as Ancient Egypt and its benefits range from deep relaxation to cellular repair. Sound healing can improve many facets of your life, the harmonic sounds and vibrations stimulate the beta, alpha, theta, delta and gamma brain waves, inducing various positive states of a person entering such as creative, intuitive, contemplative, meditative or even deep rest. Some of the benefits include a reduction of stress and anxiety, strengthening of the immune system, improved sleep, a calmer and more peaceful state of being, tension release, clearing blocked energy and rebalancing of the chakras.
THE TRAINING/RETREAT FEE INCLUDES- All training materials. - Online Community Space. - Individual Coaching Time and Feedback on Case Studies. - Six night stay at The Quaives, surrounded by the peaceful and beautiful countryside of East Kent. - Three daily delicious gourmet buffet meals catered for by The Quaives excellent Retreat chefs. The menu will be created using the produce that is in season and also around any specific dietary requirements. - Beverages and snacks. - A day of integration to rest in the sun, beautiful gardens, surrounding countryside & local villa. - Or enjoy a luxurious soak in the outdoor hot tub. - Tennis Court - Six days of being nurtured by community, healing and sound. - Massage (additional cost) *What’s not included: Travel expenses to and from the venue.
PREREQUISTES- Completed Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls® Level 1 & 2 with Sound Universe. We are unfortunately unable to accept students that have completed trainings other than Sound Universe’s certification courses. - It is compulsory that you attend the training with a minimum of three (ideally five) Crystal Tones® Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls® to take part in the course. Please note we are unable to accept non Crystal Tones® Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls®, the training is designed for the experience and learning of Crystal Tones® Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls®. ***Unfortunately you cannot attend the in person 5 day practicum if you haven’t fulfilled the following prerequisites: - 6 Case Studies submitted by Monday 8th May 2023. - Invoices fully paid by Monday 29th May 2023. - Have watched all the video modules and submitted all module exercises by Monday 29th May 2023.
PRACTICUM SAMPLE SCHEDULE5 days / 6 nights (30 hours course time) ✥ Dates: Wednesday 7th - Tuesday 13th June 2023 ✥ Course timings: 10am - 6pm each course day ✥ Sample Schedule: * Day 1 (Wednesday 7th June) - Arrival day (after 4pm). Welcome dinner 6.30pm * Day 2 (Thursday 8th June) - Course day 1 - 10am start * Day 3 (Friday 9th June) - Course day 2 - 10am start * Day 4 (Saturday 10th June) - Integration day - Review & Rest * Day 5 (Sunday 11th June) - Course day 4 - 10am start * Day 6 (Monday 12th June) - Course day 5 - 10am start * Day 7 (Tuesday 13th June) - Breakfast together, goodbyes and departures
OTHER IMPORTANT TERMSQACBP03 requires the graduating student to not only be skilled in their technique but also demonstrate a good standard of knowledge and understanding of all the teachings shared. The student will be expected to recognise and respect the relevant ethical principles, and operate within the spirit of these principles with the aim of bringing an energy of kindness, positivity and respect to each student. Should the student display a conduct that is otherwise we reserve the right to not pass them. **Please note that it is compulsory that you attend the training with a minimum of three (ideally five) Crystal Tones® Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls® to take part in the course. Please note we are unable to accept non Crystal Tones® Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls®, the training is designed for the experience and learning of Crystal Tones® Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls®.
Who is this course for?This course has been designed to teach you the fundamentals of sound medicine. It is the first step in creating a space of deep healing for yourself and developing the skills and confidence to facilitate the same for another. This course is for anyone who is ready to embark on a deep inner journey of abundance and infinite possibilities. It is open for anybody from any background, singers, nurses, holistic therapists, healers, carers, medical doctors, artists, and anyone wanting to work professionally with sound.
Are there prerequisites required to enrol? Do I need prior experience in music or as a healer to join this training?Have successfully completed completed Quantum Alchemy Crystal Bowls Course Level 1 (QACBP-01) before registering for this training. Participants are required to attend the training with at least a minimum of two Crystal Tones® Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls (ideally three) and two Crystal Tones® suede mallets. A USB-Microphone to connect via a computer or laptop, more details will be provided upon registration. We deliver our courses in English, so you need to be able to understand, speak, read English to a good standard.
Is this course accredited?This course is Accredited by CMA - London Complementary Medical Association, it is a recognised insurable qualification. A minimum 80% and above passing marks is required for Level 2 exam (Multiple-Choice Questions), a video assignment that will be marked and a mandatory Online Attendance for Practicum for advancement to Quantum Alchemy Crystal Bowls Practitioner Course Level 2 and Advanced Level by Yantara Jiro.
How does the course work?Upon confirmation of registration, the course will commence and complete on dates as stated per each intake. You will receive an email confirmation where you will receive full details on how to prepare as well as a sign up link to our course portal, where recordings and manuals will be posted. Over the course of one month you will have access to hours of exclusive video content from your mobile device or desktop so that you can journey with it at your own pace. This will be followed by a full one day Online Practicum Training and Coaching by the instructor on a designated date. Your participation in the Online Practicum Day is mandatory in order to maintain the depth and integrity of the container and receive your certificate.
What is your refund policy?We do not offer refunds for cancellations after midnight three weeks prior to the course start date, during or after the course. Please read our full terms and conditions here.
How does the course work?Upon confirmation of registration, the course will commence and complete on dates as stated per each intake. You will receive an email confirmation where you will receive full details on how to prepare as well as a sign up link to our course portal, where recordings and manuals will be posted. Over the course of one month you will have access to hours of exclusive video content from your mobile device or desktop so that you can journey with it at your own pace.
Are there prerequisites to enrol?No previous experience in energy healing required, however you will be required to do a preliminary assessment for admission. Ideally the student needs to have a meditation practice. The student is required to have a good level of speaking and written English as the training will be taken place in English language.
What is your refund policy?We do not offer refunds for cancellations after midnight three weeks prior to the course start date, during or after the course. Please read our full terms and conditions here.
4. Can I attend the event virtually?No sadly this event will only take place in-person.
1. What is the purpose of this event?This gathering is designed to help you discover and activate your unique Superpower. Through guided meditations and transformative Light Language activations, the event will lead you on a journey of self-discovery. You will awaken your hidden potential, empowering you to overcome challenges, break free from stagnation, and accelerate both your personal and spiritual growth.
2. Who is this for?Everyone is welcome, and no prior experience is required. This event is perfect for those who want to: Unlock and harness their inner potential. Overcome personal and emotional obstacles. Break free from stagnation and embrace growth. Enhance their manifestation and healing capabilities. Connect with a community of like-minded individuals on a shared path of transformation.
5. Will I be activated in Light Language?No, the event will not activate you in Light Language. However, you will experience transformative Light Language transmissions led by Yantara Jiro, designed to support your journey of self-discovery and the activation of your unique Superpowers. These transmissions aim to deepen your connection with your inner strengths and facilitate personal growth.
6. What should I bring to the event?Participants are encouraged to bring an open mind, a willingness to explore their inner world, and a journal for taking notes or recording insights. Comfortable clothing and a bottle of water is recommended.
3. What can I expect during the event?The evening will include: Guided Meditations: Facilitated by Yantara Jiro to help you connect with your inner self and uncover your unique strengths. Transformative Light Language Transmissions: A powerful experience designed to activate and amplify your Superpowers. Hot-Seat Opportunities: Participants will have the chance to receive personalised guidance within the group setting. These "hot-seat" moments are designed to provide tailored support, helping you awaken and amplify your unique strengths.
Friday 11th October (from 7.00am UK Time) – Online space container module videos and private community space opens.
Wednesday 16th October (7.30pm - 8.45pm) – Online introductory call & sound journey.
Friday 1st November – Module Exercises Submission (4, 7, 8, 9 &11).
Sunday 3rd November – Practicum day In-person London.
Monday 11th-14th November – Empowerment Review - Multiple Choice Test.
Monday 18th November (Midnight, UK Time) – Online space closes & certificates will be sent via email that week.
If you already have a Crystal Tones® Alchemy Singing Bowl purchased with us:
Standard price: $855 / £690*
If you are joining with an Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl not purchased with us:
Standard price: $1,200 / £968*
*Payment is in USD, GBP conversion is an estimate for an accurate figure please check for today’s conversion rates here.

"Yantara Jiro has created a profound training for vibrational and Sound Medicine that allows one to move deeply into their inner core love journey. Experience deep states of grace and emotional awareness through rebalancing with the crystalline grid.
Create new patterns of consciousness and subtle energy development. In his intensive certification training programs you will learn how to master and create core techniques with Alchemy Crystal Bowls and embrace to emerge your true inner beauty. I highly recommend this certification training."
Paul Utz, Co-founder Crystal Tones®